Office of Faculty Affairs Team

Gloria Crisp Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Gloria Crisp, Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs 

In my role as Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, I develop and lead programs that support the professional advancement and recognition of OSU’s faculty and academic leaders. I also collaborate with campus partners to implement faculty recruitment and retention strategies and initiatives.  

I earned my doctorate in higher education administration from the University of Houston in 2006. I have held a variety of faculty and leadership positions at colleges and universities including serving as chair and acting associate dean of academic affairs. I maintain an active role as Professor of Adult and Higher Education in the College of Education. More information about me can be found on my research website.  

Contact me with questions, input, or ideas regarding:  

  • OFA’s faculty and leadership development programs (link to list of programs)
  • Faculty recruitment and retention strategies and initiatives
  • Recognizing outstanding OSU faculty through national and international awards

To schedule a meeting with me please reach out to Diane Jones.


Sara Daly Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
Sara Daly, Executive Assistant to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs 

My portfolio includes executive-level support to advance the work of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs (VPFA) related to academic personnel matters; academic faculty recruitment, development, and retention; shared governance; and promotion and tenure. The Office of Faculty Affairs (formerly Academic Affairs) is also responsible for development and tracking of university policies and standards; expanding the university’s efforts to promote academic faculty for prestigious awards; and developing and supporting academic leaders at all levels. I provide liaison between OFA and other executive offices; engage with internal and external stakeholders; and serve on various short- and long-term committees and task forces. I have a bachelor's degree in graphic design from Oregon State University.

Contact me with questions about:

  • Scheduling the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • Faculty Affairs Initiatives and Projects
  • Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures


Diane Jones Administrative Assistant for Faculty Affairs
Diane Jones, Administrative Assistant 

In my role as Administrative Assistant I support the Associate Vice Provost for the Office of Faculty Affairs, as well as the other team members within the office, having joined in May 2023. My main responsibilities include the support of programs which advance faculty development and recognition awards.

I relocated from Arizona three years ago to be closer to family and have worked in California, Texas, and Colorado supporting executives and teams in the office as well as fully remotely over the past decade. I bring a wide range of knowledge, experience and qualifications to support this team having primarily worked in the technology industry for many years.

Please contact me to schedule any meetings with our team, or if you have general questions about our department.


Morgan Raleigh Faculty Affairs Associate
Morgan Raleigh, Faculty Affairs Associate 

In my role as Faculty Affairs Associate, I support our talented community of faculty through a variety of projects focused on faculty excellence and faculty development. Throughout my career I have worked with initiatives and processes that support learners at moments of opportunity and transition. I enjoy the intersection of those experiences with the Office of Faculty Affairs’ work to support and advance our scholars.  

Before moving to Oregon, I served in a variety of capacities related to university enrollment and admission. Most recently I served as the Director of Recruitment at Metropolitan State University of Denver. I earned a Master of Education in Student Development Administration from Seattle University and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication: Public Relations from Pacific Lutheran University.

Contact me with questions or ideas about:

  • Academic Analytics (a data tool for faculty scholarship and advancement)
  • Data related to academic faculty
  • The Future Faculty Pathways Program


Katheryn Yetter University Policy and Standards Specialist
Katheryn Yetter, University Policy and Standards Specialist 

I consult with unit leaders and other stakeholders to develop and maintain our University Policies and Standards, which are published in the University Policy and Standards Manual. These governance documents express the goals, values, and culture of the university and collectively, provide the authority and guidance that is required to achieve the university’s mission, and outline the relevant responsibilities to the university community.  

Before joining Oregon State University in April 2022, I served as the associate provost for academic affairs and was a member of the faculty at The National Judicial College. I am an active member of the Oregon State Bar and hold a Doctor of Jurisprudence from Willamette University College of Law and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Oregon.  

Contact me with questions about:  

  • Best practices in drafting University Policies, University Standards, unit rules, and procedures.  
  • Ideas you may have for new University Policies or Standards, or suggestions for revising or retiring existing ones.  
  • How to apply existing policies to factual scenarios to analyze impact.  
  • Whether the university has a University Policy or Standard on a particular subject, or whether there is other governance that might help to guide decision-making.
