Faculty Salary Increase and Guidelines for FY20


To: University Administrators and Supervisors

FROM: Susan Capalbo, Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
             Cathy Hasenpflug, Chief Human Resources Officer

RE: Faculty Salary Increase Guidelines and Process for FY20

This memorandum provides information regarding the university-wide salary increase program for professorial and fixed-term faculty.

Please note: Through the bargaining process, UAOSU declined the offer to participate in the salary increase program and indicated that the union would continue to bargain for FY20 salary increases. This means that only eligible professional faculty and eligible academic faculty not represented by UAOSU will be eligible for the announced salary increase program. For further information, please contact Heather Horn, Assistant Provost.

As in past years, units will record and submit salary increase recommendations through Excel worksheets distributed by Human Resources. The salary increase pool available for each unit to distribute is calculated within the worksheets as 3 percent of the combined total annual salary base of eligible employees as of November 4, 2019. This year’s worksheets will include all professional and academic faculty and note for each whether or not they are eligible for the salary increase program.

Funding for the increases is to be supported by appropriate funds managed by the units. Some additional budget will be provided by central administration for eligible positions supported by Education and General (E&G) funds. The specific budget increment will be based on the percentage of a unit’s base budget, OSU targeted programs, INTO tuition and ICR amounts relative to total budget. It is the responsibility of the recommending department/unit to identify and cover funding from existing budget for those positions supported by OSU Cascades, Statewide Public Services (SWPS), grants, contracts, gifts, auxiliary revenue and other funds.

FY20 Increase Program Eligibility:
Academic, research and professional faculty members not represented by UAOSU, who have performed at a fully satisfactory level or better and have received an evaluation within university guidelines, are eligible for salary increase consideration if they were hired into their current position prior to January 1, 2019 and work half-time or more. University guidelines for performance evaluations can be found in the Faculty handbook at: https://facultyaffairs.oregonstate.edu/faculty-handbook

As previously communicated, certain employees in senior academic and administrative leadership roles are not eligible to participate in the FY20 salary increase program. These individuals have already been informed and will be listed as ineligible in the worksheets.

Salary Increase Amounts:
Eligible employees will receive a 1.8 percent salary increase in their base annual salary rate effective January 1, 2020 for 12- month faculty and February 1, 2020 for 9-month faculty.

An additional merit increase may be allocated to eligible employees based on performance, compression and equity considerations. The maximum increase an employee may receive is 6 percent (full satisfactory salary increase plus any merit increase).

Fully satisfactory and merit increase dollars that are not allocated to eligible employees may not be allocated to ineligible employees.

Guidelines Applicable to All Salary Increases
Worksheets and instructions will be distributed by Human Resources to your designated key representative for completion and submission back to HR no later than November 22, 2019.

Deans, Vice Presidents and Vice Provosts should communicate to their employees the college/division specific procedures and criteria that will be used to arrive at merit decisions, and encourage discussions of the process in the departments and units.

Merit increases should not be allocated across the board. The increase granted should take into consideration an employee’s level of performance and contributions made to the success of the unit, compression, and/or equity. While increases of up to a maximum of 6 percent are allowed, the increase for fully satisfactory performance is 1.8 percent. Administrators are asked to be mindful of the distribution of discretionary merit increases between academic, research and professional faculty members, keeping in mind the performance, compression, and equity in these groups and the total salary base for each group.

Deans, Vice Presidents and Vice Provosts are required to sign all salary worksheets within their line of authority indicating their concurrence of their administrators’ recommended requests for the meritorious increases. Delegating signature authority to another member of their staff is not permitted in this process.

Faculty members who received a promotional increase during the 2018-2019 promotion and tenure review process are eligible for increases based on their salary as of November 4, 2019.

Departments/units are asked to coordinate the increase process with other departments/units when: employees have multiple jobs; their Banner Time Sheet Org and Home Org are not the same; or the employee is listed on another worksheet grouped by “direct reports” to a senior administrator; or an employee has a 1.00 FTE position with one position number, but funding sources are provided by two different PIs or supervisors. If you have questions, please contact your HR Contact in the Service Center.

Off-Cycle Salary Increases
Meritorious salary increases for positions not otherwise eligible can be made at any time. Funding for these increases will not be provided by central administration. If you wish to provide a pay adjustment for these employees, please contact human resources to request assistance in submitting the appropriate paperwork.

Process Timeline for FY20 Salary Increase Program

2019 Dates

November 8 - Salary worksheets and instructions distributed to department/unit key representatives by human resources contacts in the service center.

November 22 - Salary worksheets due to human resources in the service center from department/unit key representatives.

December 2 - Offices of Faculty Affairs and Human Resources begin worksheet review, assessment of application of guidelines by individual departments/units, and Banner data reconciliation process.

December 11 - Office of Human Resources begins reporting to department/unit key representatives the approval of increase recommendations. Departments and units may send out salary increase letters to employees after this notification process between the OHR and the department/unit key representative is completed.

2020 Dates

January 1: Salary increase effective date for 12-month employees

January 31: Salary increases reflected in paychecks for 12-month employees

February 1: Salary increase effective date for 9-month employees

February 28: Salary increases reflected in paychecks for 9-month employees

Please distribute this memorandum as you feel is appropriate. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the individuals listed below.

Edith Birky, Office of Human Resources, at [email protected] or 7-0736

Nicole Real, Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning, at [email protected] or 7-3404

Cindy Alexis, Office of Budget and Fiscal Planning, at [email protected] or 7-0903

Tracey Yee, Office of Human Resources, at [email protected] or 7-5426

Heather Horn, Faculty Affairs, at [email protected] or 7-7414