Tenure is granted for achievement, not for years in rank, but under normal circumstances faculty will be considered for tenure in their sixth year of service in professorial rank. By the end of the sixth year on tenure track ("annual tenure"), the faculty member must be granted indefinite tenure or be given a year's timely notice that the appointment will not be continued. A faculty member who works less than 1.0 FTE may have his or her tenure clock adjusted in accordance with OSU Policy 580-021-0125. The tenure clock will begin on the September 16th following the faculty member’s hire, unless otherwise stipulated in the offer letter. The number of years of credit for prior service (if any) must be stated in the offer letter, along with the date by which tenure must be granted. Under extenuating circumstances, a faculty member can request of the Provost and Executive Vice President that the tenure clock be extended. Requests for extension of the tenure clock should come at the time of the extenuating circumstances, and will not be accepted after June 1 of the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the tenure decision will be made. A one-year extension will be granted for leave take under the Family Medical Leave Act that extends for three months or more. If a faculty member receives approval for a tenure clock extension, for any reason, then it is important that all reviewers evaluate the dossier without prejudice, as if the individual had been on probationary status for the standard five years.
To request a tenure clock extension for extenuating circumstance, please complete the Tenure Clock Extension Request and email to [email protected].